Privacy policy for our social media presence

I. Social media responsible together with us

JARO Service GmbH Address:
Köpenicker Str. 325, Haus 11, 12555 Berlin Phone: +49 177 6178912 E-mail: Homepage: following own appearance in the social media :


Here we use the services of LinkedIn Ireland, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland or LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 W. Maude Ave, Sunnyvale, California 94085, USA (“LinkedIn“) back.

Due to the judgment of the European Court of Justice of 05.06.2018 (available at ), operators of social media sites and the operators of the social media themselves are considered joint controllers of data processing.

We would like to point out that you use our social media presence and its functions on your own responsibility.
This applies in particular to the use of interactive functions (e.g. commenting, sharing, rating).
Alternatively, you can also access the information that we make available on social media on our own website.

II Data Protection Officer

Our data protection officer is:

Christian Scholtz from WS Datenschutz GmbH

If you have any questions about data protection, please contact him at the following e-mail address:

or by post:

WS Datenschutz GmbH
Dircksenstrasse 51
D-10178 Berlin

The Data Protection Officer of LinkedIn via the social media and via the following linked contact form:

III. processed by the social media processed data

When you visit our social media pages, the social media operators collect, among other things, your IP address and other information that is stored on your PC in the form of cookies.
This information is used to provide us, as the operator of the site, with statistical information about the use of the site.
The data collected about you in this context is processed by the social media operators and may be transferred to countries outside the European Union.
Which information the operator of the respective social network receives and how it is used is described in the privacy policies of the respective social networks.
There you will also find information on how to contact us.

You can find more information on this under the following link:


The operators of LinkedIn do not conclusively and clearly state how they use data from visits to our social media presence for their own purposes, to what extent activities on the social media sites are assigned to individual users, how long the operators store this data and whether data from a visit to the social media sites is passed on to third parties, and we are not aware of this.

When you access our social media pages, the IP address assigned to your end device is transmitted to the operator of the respective social network.
The social networks also store information about the user’s end devices (e.g. as part of the “login notification” function); the social media operators may thus be able to assign IP addresses to individual users.

If you are currently logged in to the respective social network as a user, a cookie with your individual identifier is stored on your end device in this social network.
This allows the operator of the social network to track that you have visited a particular page and how you have used it.
This data can be used to tailor content or advertising to your previous website visits.

If you want to avoid this, you should log out of the respective social network or deactivate the “stay logged in” function, delete the cookies on your device and close and restart your browser.
In this way, login information that can be used to directly identify you will be deleted.
This allows you to use our social media presence without revealing your user ID.
If you access interactive functions on the site (like, comment, share, messages, etc.), a login screen will appear.
After logging in, you will once again be recognizable as a specific user for the social network used.

Information on how you can manage or delete existing information within the social network can be found on the above-mentioned support pages of the respective social network.

IV. Data processed by us data

  1. Type and scope of data processing

The data you enter on social networks, in particular your user name and the content published under your account, will be processed by us to the extent that we may respond to your messages.
In addition, your published posts, ratings and comments refer to your account in the respective social network.
If you mention us via an @ or a # or similar, this mention may be published on our site under your user name.
The data you freely publish and disseminate on the respective social network may be included by us in our offer and made accessible to other users of the respective social network.
If you mark our presence in the social media with “Like” or “Follow” or a similar interaction, we will be informed of this by the respective social network with your user name and link to your account.

We use the following function on the LinkedIn platform LinkedIn Lead Gen Formsto get in touch with potential customers.
We process the following data from your LinkedIn profile to select and subsequently contact potential customers:

  • First and last name
  • Location
  • Title
  • Information about your qualifications and professional experience
  • Your current employer, if applicable
  • Project information (including pipeline status)

We only use LinkedIn for initial contact.

2. legal basis of the processing

The data processing on our part is based on Art. 6 para.
1 sentence 1 lit.
f) GDPR.
Our legitimate interest arises from the advertising function of social media.
We use these to increase awareness of our company.
Data processing for the generation of leads is based on your consent in accordance with Art. 6 para.
1 sentence 1 lit.
a) GDPR.

3. purpose of the processing

The data you provide in this context and which may be accessible to us (e.g. user name, images, interests, contact details) will be processed by us exclusively for the purpose of communicating with customers and interested parties, as well as for contacting potential customers.
Our legitimate interest lies in offering you a platform on which we can display current information and with the help of which you can address your request to us and we can respond to your request as quickly as possible.

4. duration of storage

As far as possible, your data will be deleted when we discontinue our presence on social media.

V. Your rights

You have the following rights under the General Data Protection Regulation:

1. right to withdraw consent (cf. Art. 7 GDPR)

If you have given your consent to the processing of your data, you can withdraw it at any time.
Such a revocation affects the permissibility of the processing of your personal data for the future after you have given it to the controller.
It can be made verbally (by telephone) or in writing by post or e-mail to us.

2. right to information (cf. Art. 15 GDPR)

In the event of a request for information, you must provide sufficient information about your identity and provide proof that the information is yours.
The information concerns the following information:

  • the purposes for which the personal data are processed;
  • the categories of personal data that are processed;
  • the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data concerning you have been or will be disclosed;
  • the planned duration of storage of the personal data concerning you or, if specific information on this is not possible, criteria for determining the duration of storage;
  • all available information on the origin of the data if the personal data are not collected from the data subject;
  • the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling, referred to in Art. 22 para.
    1 and 4 GDPR and – at least in these cases – meaningful information about the logic involved and the scope and intended effects of such processing for the data subject.

3. Right to rectification or erasure (see Art. 16, 17 GDPR)

You have a right to rectification and/or completion vis-à-vis the controller if the processed personal data concerning you is incorrect or incomplete.
The controller must make the correction without delay.

In addition, you may request the deletion of personal data concerning you if one of the following reasons applies to you:

  • The personal data concerning you are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed.
  • You revoke your consent on which the processing is based acc.
    Art. 6 para.
    1 sentence 1 lit.
    a) or Art. 9 para.
    2 lit.
    a) GDPR, and there is no other legal basis for the processing.
  • In accordance with.
    Art. 21 para.
    1 GDPR and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing, or you object to the processing pursuant to Art.
    Art. 21 para.
    2 GDPR to object to the processing.
  • The personal data concerning you has been processed unlawfully.
  • The deletion of personal data concerning you is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation under Union law or the law of the Member States to which the controller is subject.
  • The personal data concerning you have been collected in relation to the offer of information society services referred to in Art. 8 para.
    1 GDPR collected.

If the personal data concerning you have been made public and the controller is obliged pursuant to Art.
Art. 17 Abs.
1 GDPR, we will take all reasonable steps to inform other data controllers that you have requested the deletion of all links to this personal data or of copies or replications of this personal data.

The right to erasure does not existto the extent that processing is necessary:

  • to exercise the right to freedom of expression and information;
  • for compliance with a legal obligation which requires processing by Union or Member State law to which the controller is subject or for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller;
  • for reasons of public interest in the area of public health pursuant to Art. 9 para.
    2 lit.
    h and i and Art. 9 para.
    3 GDPR;
  • for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes in accordance with Art.
    Art. 89 para.
    1 GDPR, insofar as the aforementioned right is likely to render impossible or seriously impair the achievement of the objectives of that processing, or
  • for the assertion, exercise or defense of legal claims.

4. right to restriction of processing (cf. Art. 18 GDPR)

Under the following conditions, you may request the controller to restrict the processing of your personal data:

  • if you contest the accuracy of the personal data concerning you for a period enabling us to verify the accuracy of your personal data;
  • the processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of the personal data and request the restriction of their use instead;
  • we no longer need the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but they are required by you for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims, or
  • if you have objected to the processing pursuant to Art. 21 para.
    1 GDPR and it is not yet certain whether our legitimate reasons outweigh your reasons.

If the processing of personal data concerning you has been restricted, such data may only be processed – apart from being stored – with your consent or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims or for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person or for reasons of important public interest of the Union or of a Member State.

If the restriction of processing has been restricted in accordance with the above conditions, you will be informed by the controller before the restriction is lifted.

5. right to information (cf. Art. 19 GDPR)

If you have asserted your right to rectification, erasure or restriction of data processing against a controller, the controller is obliged to notify all recipients of your personal data of the rectification, erasure or restriction of data processing.
This only applies insofar as this notification does not prove to be impossible or would involve a disproportionate effort.

You have the right to know which recipients have received your data.

6. right to data portability (cf. Art. 20 GDPR)

You have the right to receive your personal data from the controller in a commonly used, machine-readable format in order to have it transmitted to another controller, provided that

  • the processing is based on consent pursuant to Art. 6 para.
    1 sentence 1 lit.
    a) GDPR or Art. 9 para.
    2 lit.
    a) GDPR or on a contract pursuant to Art. 6 para.
    1 sentence 1 lit.
    b) GDPR and
  • the processing is carried out using automated procedures.

In exercising your right to data portability, you have the right to have the personal data transmitted directly from one controller to another, where technically feasible.

The right to data portability does not apply to the processing of personal data necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in us.

7. right to object to the processing (cf. Art. 21 GDPR)

Insofar as the processing of your personal data is based on a legitimate interest (acc.
Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR), you can object to the processing.
The same applies if the data processing is based on Art. 6 para.
1 sentence 1 lit.
e) of the GDPR.

When exercising such an objection, please explain the reasons why your personal data should not be processed.
In the event of your justified objection, the situation will be examined and either the data processing will be discontinued or adapted or you will be shown the compelling reasons worthy of protection on the basis of which the processing will be continued.

8. right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority (see Art. 77 GDPR)

Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement if you consider that the processing of personal data relating to you infringes the GDPR.

The supervisory authority with which the complaint has been lodged will inform you of the status and outcome of the complaint, including the possibility of a judicial remedy pursuant to Art. 78 GDPR.

9. how you exercise these rights

You can assert your rights with the data protection officer of the respective controller, whose contact details can be found under point 2.
If you make use of the aforementioned rights, the controller will check whether the legal requirements for this are met.

If you have any questions about our information services, please contact us using the contact details given under point 1.

Further information on social networks and how you can protect your data can also be found at

VI. reservation of right of amendment

We reserve the right to amend this privacy policy in compliance with the statutory provisions.

Status July 2024